The bikini and wellness divisions are two categories in the competitive bodybuilding world for female athletes, and they have distinct differences in their criteria, expectations, and requirements.
The bikini division is known for its emphasis on a lean and toned physique, with competitors typically being slim and slender without too much muscular definition. Bikini competitors are judged on their overall appearance, including their muscle tone, skin tone, and overall presentation. During comparison judging in height classes, bikini women do a front and back pose, while in natural federations, there are quarter turns. Suits may have bling, but thongs and t-back suits are not allowed.
In contrast, the wellness division is more muscular than bikini competitors, with a focus on a muscular upper and lower body. The lower body requirements are similar to the physique division, with more definition and size in the thighs, glutes, and hips. The biggest difference between wellness and bikini front poses is that the front leg should be flexed and slightly forward. Quarter turns to the right, left, and back are also required. Competitors must wear custom two-piece suits that do not connect the tops to the bottoms and sit high on the hips with no connectors.
Overall, the two divisions have distinct differences in their judging criteria and expectations. Bikini competitors are expected to have a lean and toned physique, while wellness competitors have a more muscular appearance. The posing requirements for the two divisions also differ, with wellness competitors having more specific requirements in their front pose. The two-piece suits worn by competitors also have different requirements, with bikinis allowing for more bling but not allowing thongs or t-back suits. On the other hand, wellness suits must not have connectors and sit high on the hips.What ar